Economic Crash? Third Fury

Three Furies strike these United States and the rest of the world. The first? Worldwide plague; already occurred with the causal virus continuing to mutate. Ending? Unpredictable. The second? International terrorism; already occurred, for example, with the bombing of...

Winston Churchill And Democracy

Note (06FEB2023): Democracy And Morality In the novel, Retribution Fever, three Furies strike the world, causing a mass, human extinction. Witness the current context for the impending reality. “Peace, prosperity, liberty, and morals have an intimate connection.”...


Note (15MAR2021): Who? What? How?      The Who. The cabal pulling the strings attached to the demented, corrupt, traitorous septuagenarian and professional politician whom Americans allowed to become their President.      The What. Fascism crushing the remnant of the...

Biobehavioral Science

What is Biobehavioral Science? The amalgamation of Biological Science and Behavioral Science. In China today, the government is using Biobehavioral Science via “social credits” (a form of “token economy”*) to reward desired, social behaviors and to punish undesired...