Trump: Two Fatal Errors

NOTE (06DEC2021): Swinging In The Wind The markets swing as the viral winds blow. Prediction? Impossible. Control? Improbable. Had Trump chosen his medical advisors wisely, such volatility in the markets might not be the case. The irony of it all? We have brought the...

The Enemy Within: Censorship

Censorship! It is abroad among American periodicals and web-postings. A censorship arbitrary, whimsical, and capricious. Arbitrary, Whimsical, and Capricious “Wherever they burn books they also, in the end, will burn human beings.” -Heinrich Heine (1797-1856)...

Biden: Method To The Madness

The policies and programs promoted by the Biden Administration vary from the merely unconstitutional to the overly insane. The seeming madness is alienating even some diehard Democrats. What are the controlling factors? Every proposition is based on an assumption or...