Who Done It?

Note (22JUL2024): A gunshot pierces the air. Its slug pierces the right pinna of former-President Trump. Facts emanating from this event are murky. Only one fact is clear from the start; namely, the United States Secret Service (USSS) failed in its primary mission to...

Evil Allies

Note (20MAY2024): As stated below, Joe Biden is an evil man. He is evil because he is corrupt, deceitful, and treasonous; e.g., repeatedly claiming that the rate of inflation was more than 9% when he took office when actually it was <2%. Those who excuse his...

China & The Monroe Doctrine

Note (15APR2024): Israel & the Monroe Doctrine “The great rule of conduct for us, in regard to foreign nations, is, in extending our commercial relations, to have with them as little political connexion as possible.” -George Washington Farewell Address (17...

Fighting Hitler’s Playbook

Note (15JAN2024): Some years ago, the Chinese issued a “white paper” characterizing these United States as a nation in terminal decline. It seems that the Chinese might have been correct. In 1937, Chancellor Adolf Hitler held a not-so-secret meeting with top officials...

Mr. Xi: A Reminder

NOTE (13NOV2023): To Chairman Xi China sinks into deflation (not necessarily an adverse occurrence — see the semi-fictional novel, Inescapable Consequences). High-ranking Chinese executives, military officers, and politicians are disappearing or held in detention in a...

The Jaws Are Closing

Note (17APR2023): A nation of increasing inconsistencies. Reportedly, people are fleeing New York City as a consequence of crime and high taxes; yet, rents in Manhattan increased 12% during the past year. Reportedly, people are fleeing California as a consequence of...