Economic Crash? Third Fury

Three Furies strike these United States and the rest of the world. The first? Worldwide plague; already occurred with the causal virus continuing to mutate. Ending? Unpredictable. The second? International terrorism; already occurred, for example, with the bombing of...

Boeing Bowing Out?

Note (19FEB2024): “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” -incorrectly attributed to Edmund Burke (1729-1787) The recent antics of Boeing are evil. Corruption, deceit, greed, and endangerment are its characteristics. Well,...

And The Winner Is . . .

Who will win the economic race between these United States and China? Ladies and Gentlemen, place your bets. Take your choice and your chance.   Betting on fundamentals? Pick China unless . . . . Why China? Homogenous population with a naturally higher level of...

Boeing & Mercantilism

Note (20JAN2020): As though Boeing has not had enough bad press, last week a Boeing-built airliner dumped raw fuel onto a school in Los Angeles County; a lawsuit is pending against the airline, of course. Adding to that setback in public relations, reïntroducing the...

FRB: Two Days of Infamy

Note (23SEP2019): Once again, the flummoxed members of the Federal Reserve Board revealed their incompetence to predict and control. The sudden shift from raising interest rates to lowering them within a matter of a few months testifies to that incompetence, never...