Three Furies strike these United States and the rest of the world. The first? Worldwide plague; already occurred with the causal virus continuing to mutate. Ending? Unpredictable. The second? International terrorism; already occurred, for example, with the bombing of the Nord Stream pipeline and the shooting in the Crocus City Hall in Russia. The third? Global economic collapse; seemingly occurring now — heralded by the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank, First Republic Bank, and the recently rescued New York Community Bancorp.
Three Furies. So begins the novel, Retribution Fever (2018). Notice that the book appeared before any of the current, three Furies.
Wait! An economic collapse with equities worldwide booming? The investing herd would say unlikely. Yet, the fundamentals would say likely whether Biden or Trump is re-elected. Recall that the seeds of the Great Depression beginning in 1929 were planted by four central bankers in 1928 well before the Crash.
In response to current events, we are witnessing a flood of books complaining about one thing or another. Some authored or ghost-written by celebrities on television. Many complaints. Few solutions. None offering solutions comprehensive and scientifically-based.
In repairing the ruin that this fragmenting, declining nation on fire is suffering, for a book to be of truly universal value, it must address all four cornerstones of society; namely, government, law, education, and medical delivery. Few do. Retribution Fever does.
For a book to be of such universal value, it must be scientifically-based and scientifically-driven. Scientifically-based means that the analyses described and the solutions offered are based upon sound scientific principles incorporating the Scientific Method with its three guidelines of specificity, objectivity, and accountability. The science is Biobehavioral Science.
specificity n.: Defining events in a way that differentiates those events from other events that may be similar but not identical.
objectivity n.: Referring to events that are observable and measurable either directly or indirectly; and
accountability n.: Observing and measuring events in a way that is verifiable and can be made public.
[Optional Note: Measurement is a fundamental element in Biobehavioral Science. As such, it is consonant with the cosmic character of Nature, expressed in Physical Science by the Copenhagen Interpretation in Quantum Physics. The Copenhagen Interpretation states the following: It is nonsensical to discuss entities that cannot be measured.]
     Adhering to these guidelines offers the most powerful protection against evildoers whatever their stripes.  Deviating from these guidelines allows evildoers to wreak their havoc upon the rest of humanity and often upon themselves.
     Heretofore, the three, simple guidelines have been an anathema to most politicians, bureaucrats, and lawyers in these United States and throughout the rest of the world.  It need not be so — neither here nor abroad. -excerpt from the novel, Retribution Fever
Scientifically-driven means that the solutions offered are amenable to change as a function of measurements for accountability. Such changes must be based upon sound scientific principles incorporating the Scientific Method with the same, three guidelines of specificity, objectivity, and accountability. Few books meet such standards. Retribution Fever does.
In addition, Retribution Fever tells a story filled with facts and a detailed blueprint for repairing the ruin. The following is the Table of Contents:
Chapter One: Transformation
Chapter Two: The Enemy
Chapter Three: Perspective
Chapter Four: Prelude To The First
Chapter Five: Prelude To The Second
Chapter Six: Prelude To The Third
Chapter Seven: Founding Of A Nation
Chapter Eight: Rise and Fall
Chapter Nine: Two Documents
Chapter Ten: The Vision
Chapter Eleven: Return To Reality
Chapter Twelve: Prelude To Disaster
Chapter Thirteen: The First Fury
Chapter Fourteen: Mental Anguish
Chapter Fifteen: The Second Fury
Chapter Sixteen: The Meeting
Chapter Seventeen: The Third Fury
Chapter Eighteen: Aftermath
Chapter Nineteen: The Book
Chapter Twenty: A Lost Soul
Chapter Twenty-One: Prelude To Rebellion
Chapter Twenty-Two: Of Human Purpose and Meaning
Chapter Twenty-Three: Rebellion
Chapter Twenty-Four: Beginning The Resurrection
Chapter Twenty-Five: Continuing The Resurrection
Chapter Twenty-Six: Questions and Answers
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Troublesome Servant — Fearful Master
 I. Deceit 
 II. Censorship
 III. Voting
 IV. The Economy
 V. The Military 
 VI. Illegal Immigration
 VII. Legal Immigration
 VIII. Association
 IX. Federal Employment
 X. Election of Senators
 XI. District of Columbia
 XI. Financing Campaigns
 XIII. Unconstitutional Laws & Orders
 XIV. Federal Judges
 XV. Taxation
 XVI. Welfarism
 XVII. Federal Debt
 XVIII. Marriage
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Swallowing Camels
Chapter Twenty-Nine: A Failing Grade
Chapter Thirty: To Live And Let Live
Chapter Thirty-One: Address To The Nation
Article I. Legislative Branch
Article II. Executive Branch
Article III. Judicial Branch
Article IV. National Capital
Article V. Coinage and Debt
Article VI.  The States
Article VII. Amendments
Article VIII. Supremacy
Article IX.  Five Freedoms
Article X. Right to Bear Arms
Article XI. Quartering Military
Article XII. Security and Privacy
Article XIII. Due Process
Article XIV. Criminal Procedure
Article XV. Civil Procedure
Article XVI. Imprisonment and Commitment
Article XVII. Civil Rights
Article XVIII. States-Rights
Article XIX. Involuntary Servitude
Article XX. Citizenship
Article XXI. Voting Districts
Article XXII. Voting Eligibility
Article XXIII. Federal Employment
Article XXIV. Political Contributions
Article XXV. Taxation
Article XXVI. Foreign Trade
Article XXVII. Domestic Trade and Subsidies
Article XXVIII. Monopolies
Article XXIX. Marriage
Article XXX. Education
Article XXXI. Medical Care
Article XXXII. Ratification
Chapter Thirty-Two: Living And Dying
Chapter Thirty-Three: The Human Spirit
Importantly, Retribution Fever accurately predicted the mess that we face today; for example, the government in power represented the worst aspects of The Left. More importantly, the novel reflected the threat to human existence here and abroad both biological and nuclear. Most importantly, it presented solutions free from our current, corrupt political parties and from abstract ideologies divorced from reality.
No interest in Biobehavioral Science? Our foremost adversary, the Chinese, have an avid interest. They overtly employ it for 1.4-billion people with goal-fulfilling consequences. We Americans employ it covertly via gambling casinos, social media, video-games, etc., with devastating consequences. The Chinese are winning. We are losing.
Yes, in a given context behavior has its consequences. Context and consequences. Two forces that control behavior. Still no interest? Remember, the height of arrogance is exceeded only by the depth of ignorance. Arrogance and ignorance have led us to the bank of the River Styx and into its black waters toward a nether world from which few great nations ever return.
“Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” -Galatians VI:7
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