by Gene Richard Moss | Apr 29, 2019 | Interviews, Race & Ethnicity
Mansfield Frazier is a late-middle-aged Negro,* a radio-commentator, a social activist, and an ex-convict. Last December, we had the opportunity to chat on-air with Mr. Frazier about immigration. Racial issues are “hot button” topics. Immigration is a “hot button”...
by Gene Richard Moss | Feb 25, 2019 | Interviews, Miscellaneous
Many commentators complain. Few offer solutions. More troubling, fewer provide definitions of their terms or state their assumptions. Every proposition is composed of terms that require definitions and is based upon a set of assumptions that should be stated. An...
by Gene Richard Moss | Jan 28, 2019 | Government, Interviews, Politics
Paraphrasing the words of the late and once-famous radio-newscaster, Gabriel Heatter, we can say with confidence, “There’s good news today!” That good news is Biobehavioral Science and its derivative, the Science of Human Behavior. For an...
by Gene Richard Moss | Jan 14, 2019 | Government, Interviews, Politics
For an audio-discussion from the Biobehavioral Orientation of how Nazi-Germany in the 1930s relates to these United States of America today, click on the following: 2018Nov16 (WOCA) . (If necessary, click on the title to expand.)
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