The Enemy Within: Language As A Weapon

Note (11OCT2021): A Jewish irony sits at the pinnacle of American law enforcement. In his abuse of language, Merrick Garland would occasion Josef Goebbels, the Nazis’ Minister of Propaganda, to say, “Du hast gut von mir gelernt, Jude.” Yes, Garland has learnt well...

The Noose Tightens!

 Another week. A tighter noose. It is the noose of socialistic Fascism tightening around the neck of the remaining remnant of our Founding Fathers’ vision. Most of the mob approves. Recall that the Framers created a democratic republic not a republican democracy....

Ladies And Gentlemen, Heeeer’s Fascism!

Fascism. The American destiny? Big Government hand in hand with Big Business promoted by Big Entertainment with the young indoctrinated by Big Education. What’s not to like? What’s not to like? The tyranny that is the bed-partner of Fascism. How did these United...