Who Done It?

Note (22JUL2024): A gunshot pierces the air. Its slug pierces the right pinna of former-President Trump. Facts emanating from this event are murky. Only one fact is clear from the start; namely, the United States Secret Service (USSS) failed in its primary mission to...

The End of America?

Note (10JUN2024): Should the malevolent Judge Merchan declare a mistrial as a consequence of a rogue-posting on social media, doing so would not constitute a victory for Team Trump. On the contrary, it would constitute a defeat. Another kangaroo-court? Another 6-8...

Evil Allies

Note (20MAY2024): As stated below, Joe Biden is an evil man. He is evil because he is corrupt, deceitful, and treasonous; e.g., repeatedly claiming that the rate of inflation was more than 9% when he took office when actually it was <2%. Those who excuse his...


Note (06MAY2024): In the literary marketplace, independent writers of substance don’t stand a chance. Now, adding to their previous woes are works produced via so-called Artificial Intelligence. Many are quitting the field. Meanwhile, a few, multi-millionaire...

China & The Monroe Doctrine

Note (15APR2024): Israel & the Monroe Doctrine “The great rule of conduct for us, in regard to foreign nations, is, in extending our commercial relations, to have with them as little political connexion as possible.” -George Washington Farewell Address (17...

Economic Crash? Third Fury

Three Furies strike these United States and the rest of the world. The first? Worldwide plague; already occurred with the causal virus continuing to mutate. Ending? Unpredictable. The second? International terrorism; already occurred, for example, with the bombing of...

Two Paths

Note (18MAR2024): See “Race: Biology vs. Sociology”. -End-   Note (11MAR2024): See “Naked Weakness Exposed”. -End- Demographics. Diversity. China and these United States have embarked upon two, different demographic paths. China steadfastly remains...

Boeing Bowing Out?

Note (19FEB2024): “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” -incorrectly attributed to Edmund Burke (1729-1787) The recent antics of Boeing are evil. Corruption, deceit, greed, and endangerment are its characteristics. Well,...

The Golden Years

Note (05FEB2924): “The woman Folly is riotous; She is thoughtlessness and knoweth nothing.” -Proverbs 9:13 Would that old age brought wisdom. Years of experience leading to knowledge leading to understanding leading towards wisdom. Alas, in too many cases, not to be....

Fighting Hitler’s Playbook

Note (15JAN2024): Some years ago, the Chinese issued a “white paper” characterizing these United States as a nation in terminal decline. It seems that the Chinese might have been correct. In 1937, Chancellor Adolf Hitler held a not-so-secret meeting with top officials...