A Blight On Society?

Note (09JAN2023): On 18JUL2022 in a posting on this website, this commentator posed a question to President Xi of China. The posting was entitled “CoViD-19: Chinese President Xi, Why?” It read as follows: This commentator cannot believe that you intentionally would...

A Criminal Act Of Gigantic Proportions?

Note (27JUN2022): With regard to vaccines, the evil continues. The corrupt FDA has given approval to inject babies at six months of age — babies at no risk from the virus, SARS-CoV2 — with an experimental vaccine of documented immediate risk and possible unknown...

To Confuse And Deceive

Note (19JUL2021): The plot thickens. The evidence mounts. Little doubt remains. Anthony Fauci acted as an accessory to mass murder on a global scale. Has this despicable weasel been convicted with sentencing executed? No. Has this despicable weasel been brought to...

Retribution: An Adventure For Bad Dying

Note (05JUL2021): Paraphrasing Abraham Lincoln, one might say, “You can fool all of the people some of the time, and you can fool some of the people all of the time, and them’s darn good odds.” Applying that saying to the Chinese Communist Party seems apt. They have...

Suicide By Political Medicine

(NEWS FLASH!): More than one year ago, the initial strain of SARS-CoV-2, the strain against which all vaccines have been developed, was detected in China. Last month, a second infectious strain was detected in Britain. Then, a third infectious strain was detected in...