NOTE (06DEC2021): Swinging In The Wind

The markets swing as the viral winds blow. Prediction? Impossible. Control? Improbable. Had Trump chosen his medical advisors wisely, such volatility in the markets might not be the case.

The irony of it all? We have brought the plague upon ourselves. Poetic justice for the scourge of the planet?

Consider that between the mid 19th-century and the mid-20th-centiry we human slaughtered almost 400,000 blue whales, the largest creatures ever to inhabit earth. These magnificent creatures now are considered rare and endangered.

Since 1800 AD, the consequences of the parabolic increase in human reproduction have been disastrous upon the environment and many of its species. We humans have exterminated thousands of other species and continue to do so. Even more devastating, we intentionally have despoiled the environment, destroying the habitats of many other species; thereby, exterminating the creatures that lived therein. Behavior has its consequences.
     100-years from now. Given current trends, we humans shall have exterminated all currently threatened species. 250-years from now. Given current trends, we humans shall have exterminated 75% of all species existing today. Behavior has its consequences, including economic. -from Retribution Fever

NOTE (29NOV2021): Omicron The Ominous?

From the beginning came two fatal contextual errors by Trump soon followed by a third; namely, Dr. Michael Fauci as his Chief Medical Advisor to lead the campaign of public relations about the Wuhan-plague. Paradoxically, Fauci was an agent in its lethal development. It began as a plague that could spell the mass extinction of humanity.

With Fauci by his side, Trump’s opening salvo to the American public was the first in a series of lies; in this case, the plague would not come to American shores in any meaningful numbers. Wrong! To date, despite the politician’s promise it has killed hundreds of thousands of Americans. Months before the presidential election in 2020, this commentator predicted on a scientific basis that Trump would lose. He did.

Now we face the potential curse of Omnicron. Thus far, this latest variant seems as though it could be less virulent than its predecessor, the delta. Even so, it is ominous because it portends other new variants. The curse of Omnicron the Ominous and its successors is compounded by the curse of Fauci the Fabricator. Who made this mass-murder into the hero that he became? Behavior has its consequences.

How Biden Might Win

Now we face the potential curse of Omnicron. Thus far, this latest variant seems as though it could be less virulent than its predecessor, the delta. Even so, it is ominous because it portends other new variants. The curse of Omnicron the Ominous and its successors is compounded by the curse of Fauci the Fabricator. Who made this mass-murder into the hero that he became? Behavior has its consequences.

While campaigning in 2016 for the presidency, Mr. Trump promised to drain “the Swamp” politically polluting the District of Corruption. He failed. The Swamp drained him.

Trump left D.C. more corrupt than he had found it, paving the way for Biden and his cabal as President Herbert Hoover had paved the way for FDR. How did it happen?

Behavior is a function of consequences in a given context. Change the context, change the behavior. Trump changed his presidential context for the worse.

Trump’s failure began right from the start. Two fatal errors. Both occurred in 2017. Together, they doomed his presidency politically and him personally; leaving him today a bitter loser attacking all Democrats and many Republicans according to Jonathan Karl,* who met with him twice after Trump’s electoral loss in 2020.

*NPR Morning Edition (16NOV2021)

What were these two contextual errors? How did they doom Trump’s presidency at the start?

General Michael Flynn represented the first. Steve Bannon, the second. Yes, Trump made numerous other errors among his successes, but these two created a lethal context, fertile soil for future failures.

The first: Trump appointed Flynn as his U.S. National Security Advisor. Doing so represented one of his two most important appointments. Flynn was a military man and an avid supporter of Trump even during the campaign. He represented Trump’s Praetorian Guard. When the denizen’s of the “Swamp” attacked the General via a corrupt, anti-Trumpian FBI, Trump did nothing. What should he have done? Immediately, pardoned Flynn offering no excuses. Instead, wrapping himself in silence, he allowed the bureaucratic vermin to destroy the military man. Some hero was Trump! Is he the kind of a man you would want in combat next to you in a foxhole taking enemy fire? What frightened the self-proclaimed savior into silence and surrender? No art of the deal for Flynn. Trump’s weakness in that instance created the context for the remainder of his ill-fated presidency.

The second: Trump appointed Steve Bannon as his Chief Strategist and Senior Counselor. Bannon served only seven months. Together with Kellyanne Conway, Bannon had put Trump into the Oval Office. Trump repaid Bannon by banishing him in favor of Trump’s daughter, Ivanka, and her husband, Jared Kushner. Jared was a Democrat and previous supporter of the Clintons. His claim to fame was via his father, a disbarred lawyer and convicted criminal. This was the man favored by Trump over the man who had made him President. This was the man who advised Trump, creating the disastrous political context for the remainder of Trump’s ill-fated presidency.

What were the variables controlling Trump’s two fatal errors? As described in detail in the novel, Inescapable Consequences, there are two independent variables controlling behavior; namely, biology and environment. There are four dependent variables; namely, behavior, cognition, emotion, and physiology.

Biologically, Trump’s temperament seems narcissistic. His capacity to listen to others, especially those who disagree with him, seems limited. He reportedly tends to hear only that which he wants to hear; fatal for a leader under intense pressure.

Environmentally, Trump was facing a horde of enemies in the Administrative State whom he underestimated while overestimating his ability to control them in the face of another hostile horde in Big Media. Accordingly, loyalty often feigned quickly became paramount over actual merit. Again, fatal for a leader under intense pressure.

Alarmingly, with all his faults in social judgement, Trump may have represented the last, best hope to save this fragmenting, declining nation on fire. The fundamental fault, however, lay not with Trump but with the system in which he operated. Patriotic Americans are loathe hearing that their beloved U.S. Constitution is flawed fatally. Trump was a casualty of those flaws.

“Some men look at constitutions with sanctimonious reverence and deem them like the ark of the covenant, too sacred to be touched.” -Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)

Fortunately, those flaws are reparable fairly easily as described in detail in the novel, Retribution Fever. How? Via Biobehavioral Science unfamiliar to American politicians but nor to Chinese. The Chinese overtly employ it for 1.4-billion people; e.g., “social credits,” another name for a token-economy. Their employment echoes a paper published by this commentator and an associate in a peer-reviewed journal some years ago.*

*Mann, RA and Moss, GR: The therapeutic use of a token economy to manage a young and assaultive inpatient population. Journal of Nervous & Mental Disease 157: 1-9, 1973.

The Chinese are winning. We Americans are losing. It need not be so.

“Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.” -Matthew 7:7

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