Who Done It?

Note (05AUG2024): At least five separate governmental investigations are probing the attempted assassination of former-President Trump. Are any of them to be believed? Power-hungry politicians. Self-serving bureaucrats. Sounds like a credible crew. Is the report of...

The End of America?

Note (10JUN2024): Should the malevolent Judge Merchan declare a mistrial as a consequence of a rogue-posting on social media, doing so would not constitute a victory for Team Trump. On the contrary, it would constitute a defeat. Another kangaroo-court? Another 6-8...

Trump & Martial Law

Note (24AUG2020): So, the election will be between Biden/Harris and Trump/Pence. The House of Representatives likely will remain Democratic. The Senate? Nobody knows. Either way, the remnant of the original Republic will continue to succumb to the ravages of...

Trump The Symbol

Does President Trump symbolize the last stand against anti-American disestablishmentarianism? Higher intellect works off patterns. Patterns can become symbols; e.g., national flags. What does Mr. Trump as President symbolize? As noted in the call-to-action novel,...

Korea: Deal? What Deal?

President Trump, the self-declared master of the deal, bargained in Hanoi with Chairman Kim Jong-un to rid the Korean Peninsula of Kim’s nuclear weapons. No joy! To date, Kim has been generally affable and unusually agreeable in words. In deeds? As is often the case,...