Note (11NOV2024): The Second Coming! According to those on The Left, Americans, by a popular majority, just voted into the Oval Office the second coming of Adolf Hitler. It was a majority that Hitler himself never received.
The irony is that, whereas Hitler promoted purity of race — the so-called Aryan race to be exact but, by extension, the entire race of Euro-Caucasians — Trump is promoting diversity of race. Such diversity equals death — death of the race of Euro-Caucasians, at least in the Occidental world.
Remaining Euro-Caucasians, as a sub-race, are under mortal attack. “White men”, who founded and built this once-free nation currently are selected against in that which once their own country. Biologically, miscegenation actively is promoted in mainstream media and entertainment and has been for decades; for example, see the movie Deceived in which a Negro, Laurence Fishburne, graphically copulates with an apparent female Euro-Caucasian, Ellen Barkin, in reality a Semitic-Caucasian (Jewish).
Thus far, it appears that Trump is the opposite of Hitler. Members of The Left are the Fascists; no, not Communists. Hitler was a virulent anti-Marxist. Those members are vowing to engage in legal treason by actively undermining the incoming 47th-President as they did the 45th.
The ghost of Adolf Hitler has not died. It, therefore, is important to understand who really Hitler was. As Sun Tsu advised, Know your enemy. The Left not The Right represents Hitler’s Nazis. The Left is the enemy within.
“It isn’t that they can’t see the solution. It is that they can’t see the problem.” -G.K. Chesterton (1874-1936)
“Think a thousand times before taking a decision but, after taking the decision, never turn back even if you get a thousand difficulties!” -Adolf Hitler (1889-1945)
Flying into severely deteriorating weather, no sane pilot in the world would agree with Hitler’s notion. He would reverse course then fly to an alternate destination.
Behavior is a function of context and the antecedents and consequences within that context. When the context changes, the behavior must adapt; otherwise, you might find yourself as did the Wehrmacht at Stalingrad during the Winter of 1942-43. Disaster!
Most of the world has cast Adolf Hitler as evil incarnate. Was he? Most Americans of 2024 would say yes. Most Germans of 1940 said no.
As a main character in the novel, Inescapable Consequences, said, “It’s all in your point of view.”
“If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.” -George Orwell (1903-1950)
An understanding of history as it truly was might cast a different light upon, as a Jewish psychoanalyst put it, one of the most brilliant of politicians. A short, homely man of little account from Austria became Chancellor of Germany; no mean feat.
Cast aside emotions for a moment and ask yourself, Would these United States be in better or worse condition today had Nazi-Germany prevailed in World War Two? That the current context be such that one even could ask such a question speaks to the tenor of the times.
While claiming to promote freedom of speech, Americans on both the Left and Right silence anyone who defends Hitler in any way. Yet, comparatively far worse modern mass-murders largely remain ignored. Stalin. Mao. Pol Pot. Why? They are mass-murderers of The Left. Pro-Marxists. Were Hitler and his model, Mussolini in Italy, pro-Marxists? No, they were dedicated anti-Marxists.
“Sie wollen Ihre Luft judenfrei haben.”
For the mass-media in these United States, Hitler’s most egregious act was his maniacal murder of Jews. Indeed, he was fanatically and fatally anti-Semitic. He wanted to breathe air free of Jews. European air free of Jews? The irony is that Jews occupied North-Central Europe before Christians.
Yet, what was the context and what were the antecedents and consequences of Hitler’s expression of his homicidal rage. Context? When Hitler became Chancellor, Germanic unemployment had skyrocketed to 33%. Two years later, it was 0%.
Meanwhile, Roosevelt and his chaotic New Deal were floundering in a Great Depression that ended only when General Hideki Tojo of Imperial Japan destroyed Imperial Japan by attacking Pearl Harbor.
“We have tried spending money. We are spending more than we have ever spent before, and it does not work.” -Henry Morgenthau, Secretary of the Treasury (1934-1945)
Paradoxically, the Japanese Army determined the fate of a sea-based power!
“The Pacific War was started by men who did not understand the sea and fought by men who did not understand the air.” -Commander Masatake Okumiya (1909-2007)
With regard to fatal consequences of poor decisions, had France not seduced Britain into a pact with Poland at the time of the Germanic invasion in 1939, would there have been a Holocaust? In his still best-selling book, Mein Kampf, Hitler never wrote about murdering Jews.
Moreover, in September 1939 when Britain and France surprised him by declaring war against Germany then failed to prosecute their declaration, should Hitler have turned back? One year later after the “Sitzkrieg” had begun, Germany had conquered Western Europe. It was not Germany that initially declared war against Britain and France but the other way around. Ultimate consequence? Both Britain and France would lose their empires as had Germany after World War One.
Especially in wartime, ironies abound. Historically, the Occidental, Christian world had not been kind to Jews. To some extent, Jews themselves fueled the fires of anti-Semitism.
Germany provided an excellent example. Before the Nazis took power, Jews comprised less than 1% of the Germanic population; yet, Jews comprised 75% of the lawyers — lawyers, merchants of misery. Jews of The Left openly campaigned for the destruction of traditional Germanic culture while promoting Negroid art and music to replace it. Sound familiar? The first political arrest-warrant issued by the Nazis was for the composer and Jew of The Left, Kurt Weill,
Despite his fanatical anti-Semitism, Hitler need not have banished Jews from Germany let alone murder them; thereby, depriving Germany of Jews’ great intellectual powers. He merely could have reduced Jews to second-class citizens. Instead, he devoted massive resources to murdering them. Why?
Because he could not house and feed them, and he had nowhere to ship them. So, he foolishly transported them en masse to “concentration-camps”. Ironically, Reinhard Heydrich, partly Jewish but made Honorary Aryan by Hitler, became the architect of the “death-camps”. In ridding himself of Jews, he rid Germany of massive cerebral power. Of note, between the coming of Bismarck and that of Hitler, Germany and lands influenced thereby produced more than sixty winners of Nobel Prizes. One of the two, greatest human minds in human history was a Germanic Jew, Albert Einstein.
“The woman Folly is riotous; She is thoughtlessness and knoweth nothing.” -Proverbs 9:13
Hitler may have been a political genius, but the same could not be said ultimately of his military intellect. Having lost in North Africa as a consequence of having detoured troops to Greece to save Italy from defeat, Hitler, nevertheless, opened a two-front war by invading Russia. His undoing. Compounding the folly, he allowed Oberkommando der Marine, Karl Dönitz and his staff, to convince him to declare war against these United States on 11DEC1941. Paradoxically, the Navy determined the fate of a land-based power! Mirror image of Imperial Japan.
With having invaded Russia on 22JUN1941 then declaring war against these United States six months later, Hitler sealed the military destruction of the Third Reich. In the two Battles of El-Alamein in 1942, the British under Field Marshall Montgomery (1887-1976) saved the Suez Canal from capture by the Afrika Korps and sent a message to Berlin.
Hitler’s military and ideological follies, notwithstanding, had he shown genius not folly, Hitler could have won the war, and no Holocaust need have occurred. Instead, mass murder reigned supreme even diverting vital, military transportation away from the Eastern Front and to the death-camps. Meanwhile under the anti-Semitic President Roosevelt, during the entire war not one Allied bomb fell on a railway to any death-camp, but the Jews loved him. Of note, it was FDR who organized a quota against Jews among American institutions.
The fantasy that Hitler’s vision was to conquer the world is nonsense. As Hitler himself wrote, he wanted Lebensraum by conquering the East not the West. It was France seducing Britain that led Hitler to move west against France with its ill-conceived Maginot Line and against Britain with no army. Both served themselves on platters for early Germanic victory despite the French advantage in military assets.
In contrast, Russia defeated Germany at terrible cost to itself in lives. By February 1943 with the loss at Stalingrad, Germany had lost the war — before American military intervention on the continent began.
Had Britain and France not declared war against Germany in 1939, leaving the Wehrmacht fully staffed and fully armed against Russia, Germany likely would have carried its early victories there to a final victory in the East as Hitler had promised. Had Hitler not been obsessed with his anti-Semitic, homicidal rage, Germanic Jews might have survived to aid Hitler and the nation that they regarded as their Fatherland.
Jews supporting Hitler? Indeed, there were. A group of Jews formed in 1926 known as “Jews for Hitler”. Members even contributed money to the Nazi Party. The group dissolved in 1935. Many Germanic Jews saw themselves firstly as Germans and secondly as Jews. As arrogant as their Teutonic hosts, they abhorred Yiddish from Eastern Europe and rejected those who spoke it.
Such was a brief description of Hitler’s world when he was handed power in 1933. What would the world be like if Germany had won? Would Americans be living in a worse context than we are today?
Would Western Civilization be extolled as it was then or defiled as it is now? Had Hitler won, would this change have occurred?
Would the greatest minds be extolled as the geniuses who they were or demeaned as merely “dead, while men” who should be defiled as they are today. Had Hitler won, would this change have occurred?
Whom do we mean by “Americans”, anyway? Until the reign of FDR in 1933, Americans were defined as Christian Euro-Caucasians. No longer. Negroes propelled by The Left have trashed that notion. Had Hitler won, would this change have occurred?
When Hitler seized power, almost 90% of the American population was “white”. Today, slightly over 50%. In 1900, 50% of the American population had blue eyes. Today? 10%. Had Hitler won, would these changes have occurred?
Today, 14% of the American population is foreign-born. In China? One-tenth of 1%. Had Hitler and Tojo won, would this American demographic be the case today?
Economically, half of Americans pay no income tax. Of those who do pay, 60% receive more in “entitlements” than they paid. Seventy-eight percent of immigrants receive some sort of “welfare”. There currently are 500 federal and State-based welfare-programs. Had Hitler won, would this be the case today?
As of 1980, these United States crossed the line from the largest creditor nation to the largest debtor. Had Hitler won, would this change have occurred?
Under Barack Hussein Obama, this nation renounced the Monroe Doctrine in force for almost two hundred years. Since that renunciation, the Western Hemisphere is being flooded with assets of espionage and military from China, Russia, and even Iran. Had Hitler won, would this change have occurred?
Until the 1960’s, this nation was bound together by Christianity embracing Judeo-Christian dogma. No longer. We have become a nation that has lost its soul and lost its mind. As described in this commentator’s most recent book, Retribution Fever, in order to remain intact, systems must be bound together by a set of cohesive, coherent principles. Such a set was provided by Judeo-Christian dogma. Dogma in tatters. Nation in tatters. Had Hitler won, would this change have occurred?
So it has gone. So it is going.
The true tale of Hitler’s vision was told in a top-secret meeting in 1937. As usual, a leak occurred. In the meeting, Hitler presented his view of the world with Europe to come under his leadership.
Germany would regulate continental Europe. It would occupy western Russia to give Germany Lebensraum. Japan would regulate Asia. Britain would retain the Empire and regulate the seas. Finally, the United States would regulate North and South America although immigration by non-Euro-Caucasians would destroy American power from within. Will the unbridled inflow of illegal aliens by the tens of millions, most non-Euro-Caucasians, destroy these United States from within as predicted by Hitler?
Given a true history and given the real, current American context, be you a Christian Euro-Caucasian, would you rather live under a Joe Biden in these United States of 2024 or an Adolf Hitler in the Germany of 1938? Biologically, two factors characterize life-forms. Survival and reproduction. Survival depends upon control of territory and resources. Euro-Caucasians in the West gleefully have surrendered their territory and resources in the name of abstract ideology divorced from reality. So divorced that it even might make the former Chancellor of Nazi-Germany seem to some preferable to the current President of these United States or a future President Kamala Harris. As the main character from the old radio-comedy, Life of Riley, would say, “What a revoltin’ development this is.”