by Gene Richard Moss | Jan 8, 2024 | Politics
Note (15JAN2024): Some years ago, the Chinese issued a “white paper” characterizing these United States as a nation in terminal decline. It seems that the Chinese might have been correct. In 1937, Chancellor Adolf Hitler held a not-so-secret meeting with top officials...
by Gene Richard Moss | Apr 3, 2023 | Government
Note (17APR2023): A nation of increasing inconsistencies. Reportedly, people are fleeing New York City as a consequence of crime and high taxes; yet, rents in Manhattan increased 12% during the past year. Reportedly, people are fleeing California as a consequence of...
by Gene Richard Moss | Feb 13, 2023 | Government
Note (06MAR2023): Financial Suicide? Unlikely. “Think a thousand times before taking a decision but, after taking the decision, never turn back even if you get a thousand difficulties!” -Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) Following Hitler’s advice, the self-styled, so-called...
by Gene Richard Moss | Jan 24, 2022 | Government
Note (07FEB2022): Perhaps not so coïncidentally, China and these United States find themselves at similar crossroads albeit by different routes. As described in the posting below, Chinese Communism failed miserably evidenced by 60-million deaths as a direct...
by Gene Richard Moss | Dec 27, 2021 | Government
“Believing is seeing, but seeing is not believing.” -drawn from John 11 We Americans find ourselves being overtaken by you Chinese as a consequence of our own inept foreign policy since President Clinton. That which we believe we see often isn’t. That which we see we...
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