Note (09Aug2021): A continually shifting plague is upon us. Trend? Ominous. What to do?
Acknowledge reality. Ultimately, reality rules.
If, indeed, SARS-CoV2 is mutating towards the predicted “Disease X” with its mass extinction of humanity, better to acknowledge that reality than to deny it. Denial, however, has become the modus operandi of too many Americans in too many areas. Accordingly, instead of promoting the Public Good, the politicians and bureaucrats perpetrate political expediency by confusing and deceiving the public while subverting the U. S. Constitution as well as established law in order to usurp power for which there is no constitutional authority. Fascism again has become fashionable.
How to promote the Public Good?
1) Stop confusing and deceiving the public in a futile effort to make politicians and bureaucrats look as though they are doing something helpful at the cost of doing something harmful.
2) Implement only policies documented efficacious by the usual scientific means.
3) Develop a policy for the aftermath of “Disease X” should it come to pass. As described in detail in the novel, Inescapable Consequences, a policy should be based upon the following, four elements: problem, goals, plan, and measurement. The three guidelines of the Scientific Method — specificity, objectivity, and accountability — should characterize any policy.
Hopefully, such a policy won’t be needed. Hope for the best but expect the worst. To have our species survive the plague then prosper should be Goal Number One.
-End Of Note-
A man-made virus derived from bats fabricated in a Chinese laboratory in Wuhan partially financed by these United States escaped into the city of eight-million then spread worldwide, mutating as it travelled. Eventually, it became a version of “Disease X” long predicted by microbiologists to inflict a major decrease in the human population. The dead were mainly those over forty and those with serious, underlying medical conditions with the exception of Negroes from West Africa who displayed remarkable resistance; African Negroes harbor a larger number of genetic variants than other sub-races.*
*Hilliard CB: “Genetic Blind Spots”. American Scientist 109: 198-200 (2021)
In its wake, the Wuhan-virus had killed billions. In these United states, gone were the elderly and the chronically ill. From biological and economic perspectives, a blessing. Who remained? The young under forty, largely ignorant and indoctrinated into Socialistic Fascism. What did they believe?
The following is an excerpt from the novel, Retribution Fever, a speech made by the head of the Temporary Military Government (TMG) following a successful rebellion against The Left:
“Gone is accepting individual responsibility for one’s own self in favor of shifting collective responsibility to others. Gone is self-denial to achieve lasting, long-term rewards in favor of self-indulgence to achieve fleeting, short-term gains. Gone is the virtue of saving in favor of the vice of debt. Gone is heroic strength among men in their righteous pursuit of riches in favor of cowardly weakness reflecting disenfranchisement and despair. Gone is joyful fulfillment of self-sacrifice for children in favor of tragic emptiness of self-gratification at the expense of future generations. Gone is grace among women in their righteous and proud pursuit of honor in favor of disgrace in a lustful pursuit of dishonor and an impossible pursuit of manhood. Gone is fierce protection of personal privacy in favor of timid accession to foolhardy ‘self-disclosure’ in the name of ‘transparency’ and an ill-founded ‘public’s right to know’ that mainly serve governmental subjugation of individual dignity and denial of constitutional rights.
“How did these power-hungry, avaricious politicians perpetrate such a colossal undermining of our Constitution; of our vital national spirit; of our sacred morality; and of our very identity? How? They bought us with our own money and polluted our minds with their propaganda.
“Over decades, as predicted by the Anti-Federalists they replaced a limited central government with an ever-expanding one redistributing the wealth of the productive and heaping debt upon future generations. That government became progressively intrusive and controlling until hardly a remnant of individual dignity or personal privacy remained . . . even in public toilets and communal showers.
“It is said that the life-span of a democratic republic is approximately two-hundred years. We Americans have had more than our two-hundred years, and we were on the verge of destroying in the name of ‘democracy’ every principle upon which our republic was founded. Destroying the right to liberty. Destroying the right to personal privacy. Destroying the right to personal property. Destroying even the right to life itself.
“It also is said that the only way to save a democratic republic from its eventual self-destruction is through periodic intervention by its military. We now have such a period of intervention. In the near future, we shall return to government of the people, by the people, and for the people — a people guided by true History and hard Science.”
That speech reflected the state of the Union after the plague. American youth indoctrinated by The Left fervently believed in concepts such as the following:
1) Bigger government better government.
2) Matriarchy preferable to patriarchy.
3) No differences among the races and sub-races.
4) Equity through governmentally-forced redistribution of goods and services.
5) Demographics over merit.
6) War weakness.
7) A legal system of lawyers, by lawyers, for lawyers.
8) Restricted speech.
9) Virtue in vice.
Pummeled by a pathogen, this nation was devolving into pathetic, hollow shell of its previous prestige and power. Could the nation depart the Path to Perdition in favor of the Road to Resurrection? Would it? If so, how?
Excerpt from Retribution Fever:
The announcement of martial law elicited a memory — the memory of a book read long before. He recalled that the book might contain a blueprint for change in government, law, education, and medicine — a blueprint for change that he would yearn to read again; nay, that, this time, he would yearn to study.
Covered with dust, it lay in a rarely visited attic. Read but once by one person then banished from den to attic, where it had remained forgotten. Given the new context, just the thought of its existence awakened an excitement never experienced during its reading.
The Admiral recalled having bought the book at one of the currently vanishing, independent booksellers. The proprietor told him that an unknown woman, never to return, had left three copies on consignment. One year afterwards, when he purchased his, that copy became the last of the three sold.
Clearly, the book was not for everyone. Not fanciful fiction but factual semi-fiction. The book was long. Its chapters long. Its paragraphs long. Its sentences long. Its words long.
In the new Digital Age of diminishing attention-spans with electronically-driven machines controlling users who mistakenly believe that they control them, the book had become a literary dinosaur with mass the size of a printed sauropod but embodying considerably greater knowledge than the long-extinct, long-necked reptiles. Increasingly contents were under governmental influence from propaganda by governmental “trolls”, regulation by bureaucrats, and censorship by servicing platforms. Ubiquitous electronic devices were becoming a tool for invasion and indoctrination of the mind; the kind about which the late-propagandist, Josef Goebbels (1897-1945) of the erstwhile Nazi-era, only could have dreamt. Enslavement ex machina.
Immediately upon purchasing it, the Admiral had read its entire one-thousand pages. The book was like no other that he had read or would read. It did contain a blueprint for change — change via Biobehavioral Science. It applied a derivative thereof, the Science of Human Behavior, to the four, secular cornerstones of society — government, law, education, and delivery of medical care.
After having finished the last page that evening long ago, he had turned on television to watch football as had many of his fellow countrymen. Eventually, the neglected book came to rest in the cemetery of the attic, entombed in the armoire with the memory of his forebears. After having placed it there, of its details the Admiral was to remember little. With the coming and going of the Furies, that which he did remember was a content characterized by relevance suddenly vital.
As had the character in the novel, surviving Americans could return from the netherworld into which they had allowed themselves to be led. The way was contained in a book in which politics and science intersected.
The nation could continue to devolve with a pathetic whimper, or it could resurrect itself with a roar. The choice lay with the survivors. Politics and perish. Science and survive.