Two Paths

Note (18MAR2024): See “Race: Biology vs. Sociology”. -End-   Note (11MAR2024): See “Naked Weakness Exposed”. -End- Demographics. Diversity. China and these United States have embarked upon two, different demographic paths. China steadfastly remains...

Mr. Xi: A Reminder

NOTE (13NOV2023): To Chairman Xi China sinks into deflation (not necessarily an adverse occurrence — see the semi-fictional novel, Inescapable Consequences). High-ranking Chinese executives, military officers, and politicians are disappearing or held in detention in a...

And The Winner Is . . .

Who will win the economic race between these United States and China? Ladies and Gentlemen, place your bets. Take your choice and your chance.   Betting on fundamentals? Pick China unless . . . . Why China? Homogenous population with a naturally higher level of...

Hey, Mr. Chinaman

You were warned. Your avuncular President Xi is behaving less like a kindly uncle and more like a cruel step-father. His policies are damaging China politically, economically, and sociologically. His goal appears to be more to have gained self-self-aggrandizement and...

CoViD-19: Chinese President Xi, Why?

Note (01AUG2022): “Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.” -Lord Acton (1834-1902) Reportedly in China, President Xi has been promoting political allies while demoting others. His maneuver seems designed to improve the already probable odds of his gaining...